The Science of self-love, courage, and creativity

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Cognitive Engineering...What does this sorta made up phrase mean and how can it help you? In this video, I share 3 ways we can stimulate key neurotransmitter production to feel more self-love, courage, and creativity daily.

Use Cognitive Engineering to:

1. Feel motivated to action instead of stuck in past patterns

2. Replace self-judgement with curiosity

3. Live more of life in flow state!

Get involved in your own life — your actions DO make a difference and your ripple effect WILL inspire change in those around you. Change yourself, watch your world change!


Chapter Preview: Too Many Kinds of Uncomfortable

Life by design requires feeling uncomfortable a lot of the time. It means getting comfortable with the messy bits of growth and studying the uncomfortable messages sent to us by our bodies. The number-one reason why people can't change their lives when they really and desperately want to is because they are too uncomfortable in other areas of their lives to be uncomfortable in growth too. In order to override our brain's survival mode that strives to keep us safe and in a life of comfort, we have to optimize our system. We can do this by prioritizing our health so that the body can withstand extreme discomfort elsewhere to the point where growth and action become fulfilling addictions.

Digestive issues make for a huge cause of interference when it comes to anxiety and soul-delivered messages. For example, 90% of all serotonin produced in our bodies comes from our digestive system — often referred to as our "second brain" — and when our digestive systems suffer, anxiety, depression, and fear-based living are amplified. When I make poor food choices, and my digestion suffers, there's nothing I want to do more than play small, hide, and cry while resisting growth. Negative thoughts infiltrate my mind, and then I do everything I can to keep my head above the water. When our digestion suffers in the long term, we run a higher risk of getting diseases like Alzheimer’s as well as a wide range of cancers. More immediately, in the moment, we lose any chance of connection to our "gut-instinct."