How to be a better storyteller: 4 habits to grow
If you’re a business owner, coach, consultant, or speaker, mastering storytelling techniques can help your business grow exponentially. Your ability to pull people in with your narrative can make the difference in how you connect, engage, and grow your brand. Whether you're on a podcast, writing a guest article, or having a one-on-one interaction, learning how to be a better storyteller can quantum leap your business to the next level.
Here are four storytelling techniques and habits I’ve adopted that have made me the sought-after storyteller I am today. Begin implementing them in your own life and watch as your brand stays consistently top of mind.
1. Read Fiction
If you want to know how to be a better storyteller, immerse yourself in the art of storytelling. Storytelling techniques can be found everywhere in fiction, making it the perfect playground for refining your skills. I can’t tell you how many people have scoffed at me or been snooty about reading fiction at some point. “Oh, I only read nonfiction…” Okay, good for you. You probably aren’t a great storyteller and maybe learning how to be a better storyteller is an area of growth for you. Why? Because fiction exposes you to imaginative plots, well-crafted characters, unexpected twists—and most importantly, highly-refined metaphors and syntax. These elements teach you how to captivate an audience. If this isn’t already a habit for you, then it’s time to see this as an opportunity for growth. Read more fiction, and watch your own stories become more vivid and engaging.
2. Stimulate the Senses
To truly pull people in, you need to make them feel like they, too, are experiencing your story. That means stimulating the senses. Instead of just relaying facts, bring your audience into the moment by sharing what you saw, heard, felt, thought, and experienced. Use storytelling techniques that drive action by painting a scene so vivid that people can’t help but feel like they’re right there with you. A study conducted by Harvard Business Review found that emotionally engaging storytelling can increase action and engagement by 70% and new business growth by 40% as compared to factual content. The more sensory details you include, the more memorable and impactful your story will be.
3. Understand the Elements of a Good Story
A great story isn’t just a series of events—it has structure. Familiarize yourself with the core elements of storytelling: rhythm, repetition, and emphasis. You should be able to identify your hero or heroine’s journey and guide your audience through a transformation, a series of challenges you faced, the lessons you learned, and your eventual homecoming, or success. Learning how to be a better storyteller means mastering these elements so your stories have a natural flow that captures attention and sticks with your audience long after you’ve finished telling them.
4. Practice Expanding and Condensing Your Story
Can you tell your story in 90 seconds? What about 5 minutes? 20 minutes? The best storytelling techniques include knowing how to expand or condense a narrative based on the situation. Practice this skill. If you can boil your story down to its essence without losing its impact, you’re on the right track. On the other hand, if you can expand it to deliver a longer, more detailed version when needed, you’ll have the flexibility to adapt to different audiences and formats. With Instagram Reels maxing out at 90 seconds, this is all the more reason to practice.
By adopting these four habits, you’ll learn how to be a better storyteller and become the kind of brand that stands out, rises above, and leaves a lasting impact on your audience. In today’s crowded marketplace, being a skilled storyteller will help you expand your marketplace presence and leap ahead of the competition.